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How to Model on IMVU. Tips and Tricks. (page being developed)

This  is a page to teach you how to model on IMVU, most developers I know don't like to explain what they want from you every time they hire a model. So this will help you be on your way to becoming a professional IMVU Model.



Contacting Developers


The first thing you must do is find a developer, this is very easy because you can search them or if you see them in the catalog you can do it that way. Once you find your developer of choice you must contact them some way. Developers today don't like to be contacted on their homepages. Developers usually have a group with contests and the prize being a modeling job. Join modeling groups and developer groups to make contacts and sign up for contests to make your modeling known.  



Meeting Developers


Some developers like to meet their potential models on the 3D chat to get to know them. Meeting developers can be freaky here are some tips to make sure it goes well. First if they want a meeting interview for a job make sure you dress your avatar appropriately, another words dress your avatar like you would if you were going to a job interview in real life. Classy not trashy. second you never want to talk lyke dis in your messages or actually talking to the developer. You always want to talk professional. for example Hi I am interested in modeling for your next product. I feel I am the perfect candidate for your product and to represent you as a developer. I hope you choose me to model for you. sincerely Your avatar name or real name, Its short and simple but it makes your point clear.



Modelling in a Photoshoot


Modeling for a developer can be scary the first time. It can be even scarier if you don't know what your doing. Here are some more tips for you.

First Show up on time and ready to model. If you don't show up on time you may possibly loose the job and may not get anymore jobs. remember developers talk.

Second when talking to the developer please be kind and polite and talk professional. No one likes to decipher what you just said in teen code so make sure you talk in a professional manner at all times.

Third when actually modeling after you've hit a pose hold it there for at least 30-40 seconds or until the developer says next pose. If you've ever taken pictures on imvu you know what I'm talking about. It takes a few seconds to get the camera into focus and they need time to take a picture. 



How to take Screenshots


Congratulations you have just gotten a job, but the developer requires you to take your own pictures. What do you do?! first off you never ever want to use imvu snapshots to give to developers there would be no way to edit them they are so tiny. Always use a screen shot taken on your computer, this ensures that the developer will have an adequately sized picture to edit.





Today more and more developers are requiring that you make the catalog ads and icon yourself. Having a basic knowledge of any photoshop program can really help your success rate. The program GIMP is a free photoshop program that is available for download at Not all developers require this but some of them do. Also so the developers don't have to tell you catalog icons are 100x80 pixels and ads are up to the developers discretion.



Creating a Portfolio


The best thing you can do to show off your modeling skills to a developer is have a pre-made portfolio. Portfolios can easily be made on website creator such as Practice taking pictures of your avatar. Find you best poses, angles, and outfits and put those pictures into your portfolio. Make sure you make your portfolio interesting and unique while maintaining professionalism.



Modelling School


CDMA Modeling agency has its very own Modeling school to teach girls of all levels the basics and beyond of how to model on IMVU. CDMA Modeling school has five levels of classes teaching everything from how to take snapshots to how to edit! If you would like to enroll and everyone can!

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